IdealSpot Report

Single Report Sample

South Congress Neighborhood

Prepared on September 07, 2018

Single Report

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Mobile GPS Trips

Search origin trips to within a 250 meter ring around the location


Insight Types

Text Block

This insight adds a simple text block for notes or any other text that you would like to add to your report

Mobile GPS Trips

See where people are coming from to get to your location.


Residential population broken down into 28 ancestries including Hispanic, Asian, European, and Native American subgroups. Understanding the ancestry of an area helps businesses tailor their offerings to the available consumer pool. Ancestry indicates culture. While America is well known as a "melting pot", ancestry-based subcultures retain different culinary, entertainment, and socializing preferences. Ethnicity is often used to approach these topics in conventional demographic analysis, but ethnicity tends to ignore true cultural heritage in favor of over-simplified aggregations of highly distinct cultures. Ancestry provides a much more granular image of the cultural profile of an area.


Population broken down by ethnicity. Ethnicity illustrates the diversity of an area of an area and can assist businesses and potential businesses in understanding the potential demand for products and services, therefore allowing retailers to target their offerings to the consumer pool.


Break down the population by those who speak one or more of 18 available languages.

Educational Achievement

Residential population by educational achievement. The number of years of formal education for all people over the age of 25 is based on of the highest grade completed, as reported by the U.S. Census American Community Survey. Educational achievement can be used to determine the employee pool upon which to hire from. For instance, high tech firms will seek a higher concentration of college educated people than a manufacturing firm.


Gender distribution forecasted over the next 10 years. Retailers have an interest in understanding the gender makeup of an area due to the differences in how men and women approach shopping. With this insight, they can better customize and appeal to both sets of consumers. Gender estimates are determined through a traditional cohort survival analysis using data from the U.S. Census, National Center for Health Statistics, and National Center for Education Statistics.


A breakdown of the total population into societal generations. Generations are generally considered to be about thirty years, during which children are born and grow up, become adults, and begin to have children of their own. Generational differences often occur between one generation and another regarding beliefs, politics, experiences, and values. The generations in this insight are calculated from U.S. Census age data using the years sociologists generally agree mark the beginning and ends of each generation.

Gross Domestic Product

Quarterly historical gross domestic product estimates in thousands of U.S. dollars.

Weekly Per-Capita Spending

Weekly Per Capita Consumer spending within the location's trade area by category.

Vehicles per Household

Number of vehicles owned or leased by a household.