IdealSpot Report

Claddagh Coffee Traffic and Mobile

Claddagh Coffee 1

Prepared for Minnesota Coffee on April 09, 2020

Average Annual Daily Traffic

I 35E (E) / I 35E (W)


Average Annual Daily Traffic

South Douglas Street (S) / South Douglas Street (N)


Mobile GPS Trips

Search origin trips to within a 250 meter ring around the location

Mean Travel Time

in minutes


Median Travel Time

in minutes


Visitor Home Locations

250 meter ring


Visitor Work Locations

250 meter ring


Search Engine Demand

5 minute drivetime

Category Claddagh coffee 1
Cafes, Coffee and Tea Houses (searches) 830.00 (0.12%)
Fast Food (searches) 151.00 (0.02%)
Pizza (searches) 3,541.00 (0.51%)
Sushi (searches) 154.00 (0.02%)

Median Household Income

5 minute drivetime

$ 53,930.89

Average Household Income

5 minute drivetime

$ 82,198.64


Insight Types

Vehicle Traffic

Average vehicle traffic by day of the week and by hour for a selected road segment

Mobile GPS Trips

See where people are coming from to get to your location.

Travel Time

Distribution of Travel Times for visitors to the trade area, as well as percentile values and the mean travel time.

Visitor Home Locations

Highlights the block groups where people who visit this location live.

Visitor Work Locations

A mapping of census block groups to the number of visitors to the subject site whose work location is in each census block group, as indicated by where the visitor's mobile device "lives" during the day. Only block groups with at least 5 known visitors are shown.

Search Engine Demand

Between Google and Bing, 90% of Americans use search engines. Americans who use search engines make more than 13 billion searches per month. The terms people search for have been shown to correlate with a broad range of needs and preferences, from politics to health problems to purchase intent. Number of searches, also called search volume, is representative of consumer demand. Using search volumes, consumer demand can be directly measured and captured. Searches for a given business category represent individuals actively looking for something they currently want or need. Use search volumes to find locations that both have a large number of searches for your business category and achieve the highest market share relative to the total number of searches. This insight provides number of searches by people within a trade area over the last 30 days by business category. To provide a complete picture, we also include searches by people who are not currently in the trade area but are searching for products and services in the area.

Related Brands

See the top brands visited in the same day and same month as your location.

Social Media Interest

Eighty percent of Americans regularly use social media. Activities taken on social media, whether "liking" a page, checking in to a venue, or publicly commenting on a post, are powerful indicators of interest in a business's products or services. Interest is a necessary prerequisite to any purchase. This insight shows number of people on social media within a trade area expressing interest for each of five-hundred business categories over the last 30 days.

Household Income

Median and average household income alongside number of households per income bracket.