IdealSpot Report

Filtered Search - ATL Millennial Homeowners

Prepared on January 22, 2019

Filter Search Map

Analyzing tracts in Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Roswell, GA


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Filter Criteria

Insight Category Range Avoid
Generations Millennials C: 100 to 100 no
Housing Ownership Owner-Occupied C: 100 to 100 no

13135050606 (tract)


Insight Period Range Value Units Score
Generations YR2017Q2 100-100th percentile 5689 people 0.9989
Housing Ownership YR2017Q2 100-100th percentile 6785 households 1.0
Group Label Yr2017q2 Units
Land Area 14.894 sq. miles
Residents 26099.0 people
Employees 3875.0 people
Businesses 303.0 establishments
Households 8495.0 households
Families 7044.0 families
GDP 1085862.12 USD
Overall score Region type Name
99.95 tract 13135050606

13057090701 (tract)


Insight Period Range Value Units Score
Generations YR2017Q2 100-100th percentile 4381 people 0.9937
Housing Ownership YR2017Q2 100-100th percentile 6263 households 0.9989
Group Label Yr2017q2 Units
Land Area 14.046 sq. miles
Residents 21987.0 people
Employees 2860.0 people
Businesses 238.0 establishments
Households 7767.0 households
Families 5690.0 families
GDP 1061112.62 USD
Overall score Region type Name
99.63 tract 13057090701

13135050608 (tract)


Insight Period Range Value Units Score
Generations YR2017Q2 100-100th percentile 4167 people 0.9905
Housing Ownership YR2017Q2 100-100th percentile 5018 households 0.9958
Group Label Yr2017q2 Units
Land Area 33.053 sq. miles
Residents 18864.0 people
Employees 2333.0 people
Businesses 149.0 establishments
Households 5862.0 households
Families 5033.0 families
GDP 699695.5 USD
Overall score Region type Name
99.31 tract 13135050608

13223120400 (tract)


Insight Period Range Value Units Score
Generations YR2017Q2 100-100th percentile 3813 people 0.9863
Housing Ownership YR2017Q2 100-100th percentile 5149 households 0.9968
Group Label Yr2017q2 Units
Land Area 95.521 sq. miles
Residents 17486.0 people
Employees 951.0 people
Businesses 76.0 establishments
Households 6035.0 households
Families 4795.0 families
GDP 516034.16 USD
Overall score Region type Name
99.16 tract 13223120400

13135050610 (tract)


Insight Period Range Value Units Score
Generations YR2017Q2 100-100th percentile 3918 people 0.9873
Housing Ownership YR2017Q2 100-100th percentile 4847 households 0.9937
Group Label Yr2017q2 Units
Land Area 12.627 sq. miles
Residents 17588.0 people
Employees 3161.0 people
Businesses 282.0 establishments
Households 5417.0 households
Families 4677.0 families
GDP 911918.0 USD
Overall score Region type Name
99.05 tract 13135050610


Insight Types

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